Friday, 25 December 2009

I suck.

I'm terrible. I suck. I really suck.

And i doubt on making changes this coming 2010.

Suck at becoming a helpful person.

Suck at studying.

Suck at love.

Suck at being grateful.

Suck at controlling my appetite.

Suck at making friends.

Suck at comforting friends.

Suck at trusting the right people.

Suck at being a good slave to god.

Suck at everything, i guess.

The only thing i think i'm good at is... Well... Lying. Pretending. Hurting people. Cursing. Playing the guitar. Writing novels. Hmm, what else?

Nah, i'm pretty much of a loser actually.

It's time to make some changes. Stop being sorry for myself. DO SOMETHING FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!

It's time to make a fucking I-Must-Do-These-Things-By-End-Of-2010 checklist.

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