Sunday 19 April 2009


"Awak dah baca buku yang umi beri hari tu?" Seorang wanita berumur linkungan awal 40-an, berbaju kelawar unggu berkata padaku sambil tangan ini sibuk menyikat rambut yang basah dihadapan cermin meja solek.

"Dah. Tapi baru baca sikit."

"Bacalah habis buku tu. Umi baca buku yang ni pun dah nak habis. Lepas tu umi nak baca buku yang ini pulak." Wanita itu menunjukkan kepadaku buku berwarna maroon diatas meja dihadapan. Kelihatan wanita itu obsess sungguh membacanya. Aku hanya tersenyum sambil menggelengkan kepala.

1001 manusia, 1001 perangai. We have things we like and sometimes it appeared... Weird or unique to the eyes of other people. Whichever column you label them.

As for my mother, its motivation books.

To me, reading motivation books is something...Rather unneeded to do because we as humans are able to motivate ourselves. We have the gift to think what is right and wrong. We can choose what to do and what to avoid doing.

Motivation is something we can think logically. The matter is just choice and how much commitment you throw towards the choice u made. Your life, is entirely up to you to decide, not your parents, not your friends, not the authority. No one can control you if you choose not to let them and commit an effort to make sure of that.

Your life is your right and your own, so why do you need a book to tell you what to do and tell you things you already know? Or telling things that you can think for yourself using your gifted, logic mind?

Its hard not to judge people because we are humans. Its part of human nature. Its all right to judge people, as long as you understand, (trying to understand at least) and respect the differences.

I respect differences, and i respect uniqueness even though it questions me; because thats what makes life interesting to discover.

All right, fine mom. I'll read your recommended motivation book after the exam ok? (=^,^=)

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